Both David Kwan & Simon Heong are widely regarded as one of the most renowned & respected tag-team Dating & Relationship Publishers today, spanning an active readership of well over 140,000+ for their No More Mr Nice Guy newsletter in over 73 countries.

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They started their very first website way back in 2003 from their miniscule 440sq ft dorm room; which quickly became an online hit and rode on that success to a current “fleet” of over 50+ of the most trafficked websites on the Dating & relationship niche online to date.
Having worked with celebrity dating authors who have been featured in MTV Japan, Playboy, ABC, CBS, CNN, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Maxim, Marie Claire, LA Times, Toronto Sun, Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, and much more over the years, they have certainly came a long, long way from their humble beginnings.
No More Mr Nice Guy was a collaboration with David Copeland & Ron Louis, where we went one-on-one, interviewed them and locked in our entire conversation with them in the studio: the authors of “How To Succeed With Women” the top-selling Seduction book of the last decade, even though it hasn’t been updated since 1997. It has easily sold more than 300,000+ hardback and paperback copies in 8 languages worldwide (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Lithuanian).
You can get access to that exclusive interview at Amazon Kindle here. And don’t forget to sign-up *FREE* for our weekly newsletter on the right hand bar for all the latest cutting edge tricks and tips for accelerating your dating & social life. We dedicate ourselves to constantly staying up-to-date & publishing new and innovative dating & relationship materials to you, our valued reader, and help improve the quality of your life. Our newsletters are where we keep you updated on the latest findings, news & happenings of our industry… so sign up there and stay tuned! 🙂